Thursday, January 8, 2009

Looking forward to ApacheCon Europe 2009

This year I'm thrilled to be doing a number of talks at ApacheCon Europe 2009, and a full day-long tutorial on building web and REST services with Apache CXF (FUSE Service Framework). Abstracts below - see you there!

Talk: Tales from the Front Line: how ServiceMix, ActiveMQ & CXF are being used to solve real problems. In this session we discuss how application integration and middleware-focussed Apache projects - like ServiceMix, ActiveMQ, Camel & CXF - are being used to build innovative solutions that add real value to organizations in health-care, government, airline-solutions and finance. For each use-case, we discuss both logical and deployment architecture concerns. We also discuss the motives for adopting open-source in these solutions, and why these Apache projects where chosen above other open source alternatives.

Talk: Adopting Open Source in the Enterprise.
For some organizations, the decision to adopt open source software
is not taken lightly, and, once made, can require significant shifts
in thinking and organization culture. This session discusses the
issues organizations face when strategically adopting open source,
including how to select open source projects, how to match open source
involvement & contribution with corporate strategy, how to select &
manage professional open source software vendors, what needs to be
done in terms of licensing and legal, and what kind of infrastructure
you need to support your open source strategy.

Tutorial (full day): Apache CXF - Developing and Deploying Open Source SOA Endpoints
This one-day tutorial will show how to design, build and deploy RESTful and Web-based web services using Apache CXF. The session will cover code-first and WSDL first services design for JAX-WS, and show how to use JAX-RS for restful services. We'll show how to swap different transports (HTTP, JMS) with different payload types (XML, SOAP, JSON). And, we'll show how CXF's support for JavaScript can be used to create client- and serverside components for AJAX applications. This workshop will combine a mix of lectures, whiteboarding, and hands-on exercise sessions.

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